It Happens About This Time Every Year

November 05, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

It happens to me about this time every year. I have enjoyed the spring with its promise of rebirth. The summer with the hot humid days that make one laid back and work more slowly. And the fall with all of its splendor.


But when November arrives and the splendor of the fall is gone, the temperatures drop, and frosts are frequent, then I know it's coming -- winter, that glorious season. Winter with its biting cold. Winter. Waking up and seeing the trees coated in ice so that they look like they have been dusted with powdered sugar. Winter. Celebrating Christmas and Hanukah. Winter. Ringing in the new year, and then celebrating Valentine's Day.


But what I like most about Winter is the snow! Now before you call me crazy just hear me out. Yes, I know snow makes travelling difficult whether you drive or fly. But where I live here on the top of Devil's Knob it is the most beautiful thing one can experience. Waking up and seeing everything covered in white. Watching a winter sunrise after a storm from the top of a mountain is one of the most beautiful things one can experience.


The snow also makes my favorite snow sport possible -- Alpine Snow Skiing. You may ask why anyone in their right mind would attach two planks to the bottoms of their feet, with boots that seem heavy and restrictive, dress in three layers of clothing (minimal) so that you feel like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, don a helmet, goggles, gloves, and when it's very cold -- a ballaclava, and go slide down a hill. Oh, I forgot to mention ski poles.


The answer is -- because it's FUN! It is fun to listen to the sound the snow makes when you ski over it. It is fun to listen to the wind as you ski down the trail (in control of course!). It is fun to feel your skis respond when you perform body movements to make them carve, turn, and most importantly -- stop. And when you love doing this as much as I do, you want to teach these skills, and more, to others so they can have fun too.


I am a Ski Instructor. I teach children and adults how to ski.  I have taught children as young as 4 and adults as old as 71. Over the years, I have taught classes that were great, and classes that were challenging. But without challenge there is no growth. I have experienced joy and sadness, elation and frustration, the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Yeah, it can be a roller coaster but I would not change a thing.  I work with a wonderful group of instructors who never cease to assist me in my own growth, which by the way can sometimes be a difficult job. 


I have been a member of the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA) for several years. It is through this organization that I am certified as an instructor. As instructors we are critiqued frequently on our teaching and skiing skills. We take "clinics" to improve our skills and stay up to date. 


Enjoy winter! Enjoy skiing or snowboarding, whichever is your preference.


So I will leave you with the Responsibility Code published by PSIA. If you ski or snowboard, please observe it. Your safety and the safety others depends on it.


Until next time,




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